Best Buds

Elijah has a buddy, his name is Jackson and he lives next door.  They get to do all kinds of fun things together.  Jackson is two months younger than Elijah.

This is Jackson and his parents Kelin and Brett.

Jackson came to spend the day with us recently.  Here the boys are having breakfast.  (Katie, I got the idea of facing them together from you with the twins.)

Elijah sharing (or reaching for Jackson’s breakfast 🙂

Playtime on the table of fun!

They have so much fun together!


Elijah is loving dogs these days.  He LOVES to touch Plato when he’ll let him get close enough, which doesn’t happen often.  This is usually what happens.  Plato is lying peacefully…

…Elijah moves in and the dog takes off.  Poor thing.  Everywhere we go, if he sees a dog he says Dog-ah, Dog-ah.

12 months old

This is a bit late but here are Elijah’s 12 month pictures with the monkey.  He is more mobile everyday and taking a few unassisted steps here and there.  He is saying a few words, mama, dada, duck (guck), dog (gah), book (kah).  He mostly says the second syllable of the word. He loves to read books and turn the pages.  The Spot books are a big hit right now b/c of the flip up parts.  He loves to open and close things and to turn off light switches.   He still loves to drum and pound on the piano and loves it when Aaron plays the guitar.  He likes to pound on the side while he plays.  He LOVES dogs, especially Plato and likes to pull on his ears when he gets the chance.  He is starting to notice other animals when we are out on walks, squirrels, bunnies, birds. Ducks are his favorite toy animal, we haven’t come across any real ducks yet.