20 weeks old

Hi, it’s Zimmerbaby.  Things are going well.  I entertain myself by punching, kicking and rolling around.  I like to move around all the time. I know i’ve mentioned my cave before but don’t think I’ve mentioned that i’m surrounded by goo.  It’s a nice warm clear goo, that is nice and cozy.  Anyway this week I thought it might be fun to try swallowing the goo.  Sounds a little icky, I know but it’s kind of fun.

20 week pics

We had our 20 week ultra sound today.  It was all good news.  The placenta is where it should be and the baby looked great.  All the measurements were good.  There are 2 hands, 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 feet, 4 heart chambers, a brain, a stomach and all the other important parts one should have.  Below you can see the baby looking at the camera if you will.  It moved so much she had a hard time following it around.  We wanted a profile shot but the little one would not cooperate.

Here are the two little feet side by side.  It was very cute to see them like this.

Today was my mom’s birthday so we brought her along to see the sonogram. I’ll have a video to post soon of the sonogram from her handy new HD video recorder.

Christmas Gifts

Zimmerbaby was very fortunate this Christmas.  We got our travel system (stroller & carrier) from Grandpa Larry and Grandma Rene.  Here is Aaron below putting it together.

I swear I took a picture of the stroller put together but it is not on my camera.  So this one will have to suffice.

We also received our Pack N Play from Grandma Janet and Grandpa Guy.

This badboy is fancy!  It has two levels, a canopy, a changing table and it vibrates and plays music.

Zimmerbaby is lucky to have such generous grandparents.  Thank you so much!!!

19 week belly pic

Here we are at 19 weeks!  The baby is moving and kicking like crazy. Up until this point it has still only felt like a tickle.  Early Christmas morning, the dog woke both of us up at 4am.  I laid there for a while trying to sleep when all of the sudden I felt some serious kicking!  I grabbed Aaron’s hand and he was able to feel the baby move for the first time.  It was a great Christmas present.

19 weeks old

Hello and Happy Holidays from Zimmerbaby.  This post is a bit late but it covers last week when I was 19 weeks old.  I’ve noticed this week that my skin seems to be covered in a strange white substance.  It reminds me of paste or lotion and makes me look kind of funny.  I’ve also noticed that I am able to hear strange noises.  Sometimes i’ll hear a voice or two talking.  Other times i’ll hear tones and beats that are quite soothing and pleasant.  Apparently I can also put my leg over my head now as you can see in this week’s odd drawing.

18 weeks old

Hello folks! Zimmerbaby here.  I am now 18 weeks old.  My cave continues to shrink but honestly I’m starting to get used to it.  In other news, I’ve discovered that I can flex my arms and legs.  I can squeeze them and release and they will do all kinds of things that I want them to do.  Like poking and kicking.  I’m very good at poking and kicking the walls. 

An itchy baby

I read in one of my books that you can start to feel the baby move anywhere between 16 and 20 weeks.  So since about 15 and a half i’ve been trying to hold still throughout the day to see if I could feel anything moving.  But it is hard to know if you’ve felt something when you have no idea what to expect.  Any little movement at all I questioned.  I figured anything that wasn’t consistently happening over and over again was probably  not the baby moving.  I’ve asked my girlfriends what it feels like.  Most describe little flutters like a butterfly is in your stomach.  Well last Wednesday, I was sitting in bed holding still to see if I could feel the baby move.  After a while I felt a very faint tickle sensation.  Then it happened again, and again.  Like someone was ever so lightly tickling my stomach from the inside.  A big smile appeared across my face as I realized that this was in fact what it felt like to have  a baby move in your stomach.  It is by far the coolest thing that has happened yet.  The funny part is that i’d felt the same sensation for a week prior.  I just didn’t realize that it was the baby moving.  I felt like my stomach kept itching in the middle.  All week I was scratchiing an itch that kept coming back.  Who knew the itch was the baby.  Now that I recognize the feeling, I notice it all the time, usually when I sit down or after I eat.   It is truyly amazing.

17 week belly pic

The belly continues to grow bigger this week.  We had our monthly appointment on Monday and so far everything looks good.  We heard the baby’s heartbeat and heard it kick a few times.  It really likes to kick.  More on that later… The doctor said the baby is growing well.  We are looking forward to our 20 week ultra sound on December 29th. 

Babie’s R Us

This past weekend we registered at Babies R US in order to give our family some options for Christmas presents (hint, hint).  It was an entourage yet again!  Attendees included Me, Aaron, my BF Carrie Wood, Aaron’s sister Rachael and my brother’s friend John who works at Babies R Us.  It was quite humorous.  A lady actually commented on how many people I had with me.  It was so helpful having advice from Carrie, mother of an adorable 1 year old.  Rachael was a big help pushing the cart, taking photos (which is why she isn’t in any of them) and crossing things off the list.

Here we are filling out paperwork.

Filling out paperwork

Carrie is demonstrating how to open and close the stroller.


Here Carrie and I are ooing and awing at the maternity pillows that are available.  They have a big ‘C’ shaped one that you can lay inside.  I’m normally a stomach sleeper so this whole sleeping on your side thing has been rough.  I’ve often said to Aaron how i’d like to bulid myself a giant curved pillow to sleep in the middle of. Who knew they actually made one!?  However, it was insanely expensive so i’ll be sticking with my body pillow on loan from Carrie.

Picking out Boppy’s.

Scanning the Pack-n-play.

Thanks to Carrie & Rachael and John for all of their help.

Bouncy Walls

Hi It’s Zimmerbaby again.  Today i’ve discovered that the walls of my home are nice and bouncy…so i’ve been entertaining myself by pushing as hard as I can on the wall and then…boing..it is really fun.