We’ve done lots of fun things this summer. Here are pics of just a few.
We love it when our family comes to visit. Not only do they help out with Elijah but we get to go on a rare date night! Aaron and I headed out for dinner at White Chocolate Grill and a movie!
Elijah loves to help me cook and bake. So Janet made him an adorable little apron with The Very Hungry Caterpillar on it.
He put this diaper on his head and announced “Umbrella”.
Yummy smoothie popsicle to cool off on hot day.
One lazy Sunday we hung out in our PJ’s all day. Elijah and Aaron, mostly Aaron made a long box tunnel fort thing. Elijah loves to crawl through tunnels.
Occasionally, will just lie down on the kitchen floor. This particular time I think he was sleepy.
This time, it was really hot and I think he thought the cool air from the fridge felt good.
Elijah loves to play with Trader Joe’s stickers when we go to the grocery store. This day, he went a little crazy.
We go visit Dr. Steven our chiropractor a lot this summer. Elijah decided he wanted to lay down on the table for his adjustment just like Mama. It’s so cute.
Elijah is very interested in babies since we’ve been talking about babies and our old neighbors had a baby in February. So we brought out Aaron’s old cabbage patch doll Eric. Here he is teaching “baby” to play the piano. He also loves to change his diaper, give him a bottle, sing to him and give him kisses.
A typical afternoon at home playing with trains.
Fun in the pool with Daddy at Grandma Rene’s house.
Silly boy trying on Mama’s shoes. Occasionally we’ll have a day where he refuses to put pants on. This was one such day.
One day, we ate our lunch outside and had a picnic in the back yard.