11 months old

And now for the well overdue 11 month pictures.  I think i’ve been putting them off because I don’t want to this to be my last under one year post.  After this my baby will be one year old – sigh.  Actually in 2 weeks he’ll be one.  I am surprised at how sentimental I am about it.  Why don’t we want our kids to grow older?  I’ve enjoyed all of his milestones so far. I just can’t shake the desire to keep him small so I can rock him in my arms forever.

He has done so many exciting things this month.  He learned to wave.  He claps and rolls his hands to the “clapping” song.  He throws his arms up in the air when you ask how big the baby is “SO BIG”.  He plays peek-a-boo by pulling a blanket over his own head.  He is cruising around the furniture and has learned how to take off his own diaper. Enjoy the pictures!

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